Saturday, January 15, 2011

St. Louis received a few inches of snow the other day. Shoveled my sister's drive and walk before returning home to crank up the old snow blower to knock off my crib.
But couldn't get the blankly blank thing to start.  So I shoveled my steps, drive and walk.

Shoveling snow is just another form of exercise however it goes better if one is in shape, especially older folk.

A shovel of snow is rather light. It is 15 minutes of repetitive motion that drives up the heart rate that gets a poorly condition person in trouble. At 66, I've long given up hopes of becoming a world class athlete or acquiring a Greek God physique.

So my fitness routine is functionally realistic.

There is nothing in  my home more than 80 pounds that I have to lift by my self. But  I do have to sweep the walk, tend my flower garden, clean house, move groceries from the car to the house and put them up.

Each activity involves the repetitive motion of a rather light weight. It also includes  bending, twisting, stoop and squatting.

I don't have to workout like an NBA all star to be fit but I do have to be conditioned to do well anything and everything that I'm expected to do on any given day. Cutting the grass, digging up weeds, and in the winter, shoveling snow. Oh yeah...and keeping my weight and blood pressure under control.

For basic cardio, a good 30 to 40 minute brisk walk is hard to beat. For a more intense workout, try cycling, jogging, and rowing. Ten to 15 repetitions of  light weights ...working the chest, back and shoulders, arms and legs. Stretching, especially the lower back completes the routine. Remember to stretch and hold. Never bounce.

Finally got the snow blower to start...but a day later after much of the snow had melted away.

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